Animal Problems?

Animals are an important part of our environment, and contribute to the beauty of our world in the proper wild settings. However, wildlife can become destructive pests when invading populated regions, causing damage to landscaped areas, homes and other structures, and commonly contribute to erosion, slope failure and water loss. Additionally, many wildlife species carry zoonotic disease which can spread to humans and our animal pets, such as: Bubonic Plague, Murine Typhus, Rabies, Histoplasmosis, Salmonella (food poisoning), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and others.  These pest species also carry ectoparasites such as fleas, lice, ticks and mites and endoparasites such as roundworm, tapeworm, giardia, and liver flukes, which can be transmitted directly to people or endure in the environment long after the animal host is removed.


Management Methods Animal Damage Management Offers

All of the methods we use for control are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife, and Animal Control Agencies.



  • Building Modification
  • Netting and Screening
  • Sign and Ledge Excluders
  • Habitat Modifications

Population Reduction

  • Trapping
  • Toxic Baits
  • Fumigants
  • Chemosterilants


  • Aversion baits
  • Sound effects
  • Nest removal